• Literary Festivals

    I have chaired or appeared on panels at:

    Sydney Writers’ Festival
    Melbourne Writers’ Festival
    Byron Bay Writers’ Festival
    Bendigo Writers’ Festival
    Mudgee Readers’ Festival
    Noted Festival, Canberra
    Centre for Stories, Short Story Festival, Perth
    Jaipur Literary Festival.

  • Conferences

    Small Press Network Independent Publishers’ Conference 2022: History Lesson: How we can use the archive to teach best-practice methods in editing

    Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) Conference 2022: Not Inert: Ruby Langford Ginibi’s archive and her ongoing legacy

    International Auto-Biography Association Conference 2021: Looking back and looking forward: Revisioning the critiques of editorial intervention in Sally Morgan’s My Place

    ASAL 2021: Straight from Whose Mouth? Examining the paratexts in Thea Astley’s The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow to understand her representation of Indigenous characters

    ASAL 2019: The Crystal Mirror or the book that wasn’t: A new look at the editing and publishing history of Tirra Lirra by the RiverASAL 2020: Thirty Thousand Words: Cuts to Ruth Park’s Swords and Crowns and RingsAustralia's Triennial Literary Studies Convention

  • Teaching

    I have taught Professional Editing at UTS and a masterclass on Editing Fiction for the University of Melbourne.

    At Western Sydney University, Macquarie University and the University of Sydney I have presented guest lectures on creative writing and the publishing industry.

    I have taught creative writing to high school students, for the City of Sydney and Writing NSW and run workshops for high school teachers on editing.